DGL, or deglycyrrhized licorice, is a form of licorice root. The deglycyrrhized form of licorice allows for higher dosing of supportive flavonoids, which helps maintain a healthy mucosal barrier in the stomach and intestines. 60 capsules
The formula includes GutGard®, a clinically studied form of deglycyrrhized licorice that provides improved control of the glycyrrhized content and a rich source of flavonoids.
Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow root is a traditional soothing herb with a long history of use for coating the gastric lining. Marshmallow root contains mucilage polysaccharides, which swell when mixed with liquid, providing a soothing property to mucous membranes.
Aloe Vera Concentrate
Aloe vera, like marshmallow root and slippery elm bark, is a soothing herb that has been used throughout history, and has been shown to maintain normal inflammatory balance. Specifically, studies have shown aloe vera is beneficial to the gastric mucosa due in part by its ability to balance stomach acid levels and promote healthy mucus production.
Slippery Elm Bark
Slippery elm bark is a traditional soothing herb that has been used for centuries. Slippery elm bark is rich in mucilage, which helps maintain normal inflammatory balance.